Old School Value Nugget Fest (Feb 7th Edition)
This was originally published on 1/30/19 to our OSV VIP email newsletter subscribers. Sign up now to get these right away!
What we’re reading
A review of Seth Klarman’s warnings about the current state of the markets from his annual letter. [marketfolly]
Peter Lynch: 13 Filters for Finding the Perfect Stock. [Acquirer’s Multiple]
Netflix is so confident in its position it is effectively stating that if customers choose to watch TV, they will choose Netflix. [Stratechery]
The rationale, philosophy, and process of investing for the long-term. [Behavioral Value Investor]
Don’t think of your investment time horizon, but consider how sensitive you are to new information. [Morgan Housel]
We are not as good at selling stock as buying them. [Barry Ritzholtz]
The desire to just hold conflicts with a recognition that volatility creates opportunity. [Greenhaven investor letter, PDF]
The historical valuation premium [between US and Foreign stocks] has been ZERO. [Meb Faber]
Efficiency is great in an unchanging environment, but to expect an environment to remain static is unrealistic. [Farnam Street]
Algos & others aren’t causing market moves to happen faster than in the past. [Ben Carlson]
The art of decision-making. [The New Yorker]
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