Value Investing Forums to Improve Your Portfolio

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Jae Jun

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It’s lonely out there buying things that are unloved, looking in dirty and dusty corners.

The value investing walk is difficult for sure.

When you’re looking at small and obscured stocks, there’s not much information or groups that offer educational and thought-provoking discussions.

Although there are plenty of blogs and analyses on the internet, the amount of discussion and quality research is tiny compared to the number of stocks out there in the market.

The 80/20 rule states that 20% of all the stocks get 80% of the attention.

Then how can you be informed, inspired, and educated if you are a lone wolf searching for small, micro, fallen, or ugly stocks?

If you look in the right places, you can find good discussions and insight from fellow investors who may have been investing in that hidden stock you’re currently looking into.

Just need to know where to ask.

Here are the top 5 value investing forums you can gather information and peek into.

The Top 5 Value Investment Forums


#1. Value Investors Club

Undoubtedly the best source of quality stock analysis reports and discussions.

There is probably no need for an introduction to Value Investors Club, but for those that are new to value investing, Joel Greenblatt runs the site.

Although it is not a typical forum or board, there is always lots of activity, feedback and constructive criticism to any stock analysis that has been posted.

You can sign up as a guest for free and view stock analysis reports that are older than 1.5 months. Most value stocks do nothing for one and a half months anyways, so the free account is a great start.

If you want access to the full benefits, you need to write about a small cap and submit it. If it is approved, you’re in the community. There’s a high rejection rate as they want to keep their quality high.

#2. Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax

Another top value focused forum.

Update: This time, it’s run by a person influenced by Berkshire and Fairfax. (not by Fairfax Holdings which I incorrectly thought for some reason)

There’s plenty of discussions on Canadian stocks as well as US stocks.

There is a one time $30 fee to keep out spam but totally worth it.

#3. Financial Webring

This is a big finance forum covering everything from personal finance to investments, retirement, tax planning and property investments.

There’s something for everybody here.

Registration is free.

#4. Investing Sub-Reddit

I haven’t used Reddit too much, but it’s a huge community where you can get a ton of information if you know where to look.

I guess each “channel” in Reddit is called a Subreddit. The investing subreddit has a huge following, but the quality drops off quite a bit because of the diverse audience. Not everyone is a value investor and there’s a lot of silly topics posted.

However, if you have questions, it’s a good place to get answers and feedback.

Here’s an example of what I mean.

#5. Quora

I’m slowly answering some questions on Quora as it’s a fantastic place where people are very keen to learn.

There’s a lot of investing Q&A’s and people go to extreme depth to provide an answer.

Summing Up

If you ever find yourself needing some questions answered and don’t know who to turn to, leave your mark on one of the above sites and see which one is best for you.

It’s impossible to regularly follow all 5 and can become a huge time waster, so pick a couple and ask away.

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