Use proven models created by investment greats like Ben Graham, Joseph Piotroski, Ed Altman. Use the default values and make slight adjustments where you see fit.
Use the Reverse DCF to see what the market believes the growth rate will be based on the current stock price. Use this backward valuation method to find mis-priced opportunities.
A stock does not have an absolute fair value. It constantly moves and requires a valuation range. Quickly simulate a bear, base and bull valuation to come up with a realistic range.
Discover stocks you would normally pass by. The home page of the Online Analyzer is filled with ideas and recommendations based on our core tenets of Quality, Value and Growth.
Use the Stock Grades and scoring system to narrow down stocks. With more than 18 years of backtested data, our Stock Grades have consistently picked winners. Leverage the Stock Grades and ratings to drastically cut your research time so that you can focus on making objective and smarter decisions.
Get full unrestricted access to all the stocks we support and their respective ratings. Look up stock ratings and save time by looking at stocks with good scores.
DCF, Reverse DCF, Graham's Formula, EBIT Multiples with more models in development. Look at stocks from multiple angles and not just a DCF to get a fuller understanding of the stock.
Use the quality check models like the Piotroski Score, Altman Z Score or the Beneish to detect red flags that are difficult to spot with the naked eye. Detect red flags before they damage your portfolio.
Gain deep insight using off the street metrics and fundamentals used by investment greats like Warren Buffett, Ben Graham, Bruce Greenwald, Joel Greenblatt and more. We ride on the backs of the great investors.
Visually compare stocks side by side. Compare the historical trends and growth to determine the best company in the mix. Use the preset lists or create your own custom list by choosing from hundreds of stats.
Detailed financial statements to dig into the financials. Visual cues and color coding helps you quickly grasp and put the numbers into context. Analyze the numbers in terms of percentages and see changes between periods.
Our stock screener puts you in control. Choose from hundreds of valuation metrics and custom metrics like Piotroski F Score, Altman Z, Beneish M Score and more to uncover the perfect stock for your analysis.
For advanced users, create your own formula or analysis models. Use the data provided to quickly build your favorite models directly into the spreadsheet.
More valuation and stock analysis models like Earnings Power Value (EPV), Earnings accrual analysis, DuPont Model, Graham Net Net calculations and more.
Nothing to install. No set up to worry about. Open, enter a ticker and it will download and run the calculations for you.
All cells, formulas and sheets are unlocked for you to view, copy and edit. However the VBA code is locked as it is not open source.
"It's clear, easy to use, transparent, and built by a team with a mission to add value. If you're a beginning investor, this will accelerate your learning 10x. If you're an experienced investor, it will bring you to the next level."
"OSV provides a great fundamental framework to avoid the risk of paying too much for a stock. This has been a great time saver for me as I look for investment ideas. It is a great “quick” scoring solution."
"I learned DCF in my MBA program, but OSV has that and more with no work on my part. Now I can adjust assumptions and change inputs because of the flexibility. Plus, unlike other sites, OSV shows you the details of the scoring values."